The Royal Academy of Music was established in 1822 and granted a Royal Charter in 1830 (Supplemental Charter granted in 1998)
The Academy is a registered charity, number 310007, and a company registered with Companies House, number RC000438.
The Academy is registered with the Office for Students as a higher education provider.
The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Governing Body are laid down by the Royal Charter and its Bye-Laws. The Governing Body is also required, where appropriate, to conduct its business in line with the Statutes and Ordinances of the University of London of which the Academy is a member and, in their capacity as Trustees, with the Academy’s charitable objects.
Under the terms of the Supplemental Charter dated 1998 and its Bye-Laws, the direction of the Academy is the responsibility of the Governing Body, which makes rules, orders and regulations deemed useful and necessary for the regulation and management of the institution.
The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing and managing the general business, finances and investments of the Academy, safeguarding its assets, setting its general strategic direction and determining its educational character and mission. It is also responsible for ensuring that academic governance is operating effectively, encouraging student engagement in academic governance; that Academy students receive a high-quality education, value for money and that adequate provision has been made for their welfare and wellbeing.
The Governing Body comprises the President, 10 to 15 Independent Members who are the Trustees and from whom its Chair and Deputy Chairs are drawn, and up to five representative members elected by the staff and students.
The Academic Board is the main academic committee of the Governing Body and draws its members from the academic staff and the students of the institution. It is the body responsible for the academic and academic governance work of the Academy in teaching, examining and in research, and recommending and implementing strategic academic, artistic and policy initiatives.
The Principal is the Chief Executive Officer of the Academy, who reports to the Governing Body and is responsible for implementing its decisions and for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the Academy. The Principal is the designated Accountable Officer of the Academy.
The Senior Management Team is the Principal’s advisory group and comprises the Deputy Principal, Dean of Students, Registrar and Director of Student Operations, Deputy Principal (Advancement), and the Director of Finance.
You can read the original Royal Charter and Supplemental Charter below: