The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public the right of access to recorded information from the Royal Academy of Music
Publication Scheme
Many documents can be accessed via this website or are made available, on request, by email or in paper copy. Please see the section called ‘Freedom of Information Publication Scheme’ which outlines our charging policy and lists disclosure exemptions.
A dataset is a collection of factual information e.g. raw or source data that has been obtained, or recorded, by public authority in connection with the provision of a service. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 requires all public authorities to release datasets, disclosed as a result of Freedom of Information Act requests, in re-usable electronic format. The Academy provides these datasets for use under the Open Government Licence (OGL).
You can view or download datasets disclosed by the Royal Academy of Music below:
- Academic Appeals
- Academic Malpractice
- Counselling and Mental Health Provision
- Hardship Fund Awards
- Junior Academy Equality Monitoring Data
- Student Applications and Enrolments by Ethnicity (UK domicile students only)
- Students Declaring a Disability
- Student Interruption of Study
- Student Population by Programme and Gender
- Student Retention
- Student with Personal Learning Plans
- Undergraduate Degree Classification Award
Further data can be viewed on the HESA website HESA publishes data on all aspects of the UK higher education sector including students, staff and graduates. The Royal Academy of Music submits data to HESA on an annual basis.
Please email to request specific datasets not published on the Academy’s website.
Further data can be viewed on the HESA website HESA publishes data on all aspects of the UK higher education sector including students, staff a graduates. The Royal Academy of Music submits data to HESA on an annual basis.
Please email to request specific datasets not published on the Academy’s website.
Please email to request specific datasets not published on the Academy’s website.
Most of the Academy’s decision-making takes place within committees. These are formal groups which have a specific purpose and membership. The Academy’s committee structure can be made available upon request and illustrates the relationship between committees. Committee agendas, papers, minutes and reports are also available on request; exemptions permitting.
The Regulations of the Royal Academy of Music provide a framework under which the education provided by the Academy is delivered and administered. This publication is revised annually and contains the following sections: General Regulations, Academic Regulations, Examination Regulations, Special Circumstances Regulations, Programme Regulations, University of London Regulation, Academy Research Degree Regulations and Library Regulations. A copy of the regulations is available on our Policies and Procedures page.