Sir Simon, whose appointment as Chairman elect was announced in 2023, is one of the UK's leading investment bankers. He has a long connection to the Academy as a supporter and previous Trustee. He is currently Chairman of Britten Pears Arts, a trustee of YCAT (Young Classical Artists Trust) and Honorary Vice President of the Royal Opera House, having been Chair for 10 years.

Her Grace the Duchess of Wellington has been a Trustee since 2019 and now becomes Deputy Chair. She continues as Chairman of the Royal Academy of Music’s Future Campaign. Passionate about arts, social justice and education, the Duchess also serves as Governor of Wellesley Prep School and Trustee of Stratfield Saye Preservation Trust.

Professor Jo Fox is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Public Engagement) at the University of London and Dean of the School of Advanced Study with responsibility for its research and public engagement strategy. Professor Fox is a distinguished historian. She became Durham University’s first female Head of History in 2016 and was appointed as the first female Director of the Institute of Historical Research at the School of Advanced Study of the University of London in 2017.

Peter Hesketh is CEO of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. He oversees the Foundation’s annual budget of over £100 million which supports work in areas including, plant science and neuroscience research, economic development in East Africa, UK technical education, public policy and the arts. He is also a Trustee/Director of the Sainsbury Plant Science Laboratories, the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Brain Circuitry and the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.

Dinah Rose KC is a senior barrister, expert in public law, human rights, regulation, competition, employment and equality law. She is President of Magdalen College, Oxford and a member of the academic advisory board of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Educated at Magdalen College and City University, Dinah Rose was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2006.

These appointments come as other Governors step down at the end of their tenures. The Academy recognises the significant contribution of our Chair for the last 11 years, Dame Jenny Abramsky, former BBC Executive and now Chancellor of the University of East Anglia; her Deputy Chairs, Dame Susie Sainsbury and The Rt Hon Lord Sumption, have also retired. Business executive Tim Parker retires having served his full term of nine years on the Board.

Jonathan Freeman-Attwood said, ‘The Academy has been exceptionally fortunate in its Board over many decades, but few members have given as much, individually and collectively, as our out-going Chair and Deputy Chairs, Jenny Abramsky, Susie Sainsbury and Jonathan Sumption. Alongside my gratitude to them, I would also like to thank Tim Parker for his exceptionally wise counsel and generosity over his time on the Board. Their impact on the life of our musical community is truly incalculable.

‘Under Simon Robey’s Chairmanship, I am also thrilled that we can welcome such distinguished new trustees in Dinah Rose, Jo Fox and Peter Hesketh. Their collective experience and understanding of Higher Education, business, law, and other areas of valuable expertise, is crucial in its support of me and my executive team. I much look forward to working closely with them alongside our existing trustees.’