Darius is Leeds City Organist

He has worked as guest conductor with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CSBO) chorus, Lucerne Festival Chorus and the Netherlands Radio Choir, where he has specialised in preparing works by Berio, Boulez, Ligeti and Stockhausen.

Darius studied at Leeds University and the Royal Northern College of Music, where he won prizes for organ and for piano accompaniment.

He is a former finalist of the St Albans Improvisation competition and has taught organ and improvisation for many years at the Royal Northern College of Music.

He took up the post of Leeds City Organist in 2017 where he programmed the successful Town Hall recital series, gave regular solo concerts and oversaw the rebuilding of the Leeds Town Hall organ. He is a regular recitalist in concert halls and cathedrals internationally, appearing as soloist with the Halle, BBC and London Philharmonic orchestras. He has twice been invited to perform at the RCO presentation ceremony. As a pianist, Darius gives regular chamber concerts with members of the Manchester orchestras. On the harpsichord he has played continuo with many UK orchestras, performing for broadcast harpsichord concertos.

Darius has been in demand as an improviser of silent film scores for many years on both organ and piano, including a regular series at the National Media Museum as well as festivals and venues throughout the UK. As an arranger he has had works commissioned by the CBSO chorus, Black Dyke Band, the Halle and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.