
- Baroque Flute Multiphonics
- Bass Doubling
- Caprice Reimagined
- Cello, Spatial Audio & Clectro Notation
- Co-creativity, wellbeing and dementia
- Composition and Art
- Concert Conversations
- Documentary Song Cycles
- Early Music on the Piano
- Engagement Enragement Enlargement
- Exploring Performative Coherence
- Forgotten Tones
- Gender Studies in Violin Playing
- In Search of Poetic Understanding
- Manuel de Falla and Andalusia
- Mary Dickenson-Auner
- 'Opening' a Classic
- Premiere as Ontology
- Quarter-Tone Accordion
- Some Discourse of Musique
- The Gerry Mulligan 1950s Quartets
- The Guitar: idiom & collaboration
- The Intervening Cellist
- The ‘Unconfined’ Hand
- Translating the mélodie
- Unforgetting Justin Connolly
- Wanderings Beyond Schubert