- Research news
The Academy’s Research Strategy, developed in 2023, has seven strategic aims that underpin the administration, management, and governance of the institutional research environment:
Download the Research Strategy.
Researchers have an obligation to ensure that their research is conducted with honesty, integrity, minimal risk and respect for other people and cultures. It is the responsibility of individual researchers to uphold good research practice, and to safeguard the rights of the participants in their research projects.
The Academy's Research Ethics Policy applies to all research involving human participants or personal data, or that involves risk by addressing highly sensitive topics, conducted by Academy researchers or by researchers using participants who are Academy students. All research that falls within this definition must be reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee, and research ethics approval obtained, before data gathering commences. Individual researchers if working alone, or the lead researcher of a research group, should apply for ethics approval by completing a Research Ethics Approval Form and submitting it to the Research Ethics Committee Secretary, Louisa Rosi.
The Academy is a subscriber to the UK Research Integrity Office.