Give in memory of a friend or loved one

Making a gift in memory of a loved one is a special way to pay tribute to them and their connection with the Academy.

Instead of giving flowers, families and friends often ask that donations in memory be sent to a special charity or cause. We are exceptionally grateful when the chosen charity is the Academy, and proud to use this support to educate and inspire brilliant young musicians.

Gifts made in memory of a loved one will be directed to the Principal's Fund, offering places to the most talented young musicians and providing the financial support they need to fulfil their potential.

We will recognise your gift, and the person you are honouring, in several possible ways. Depending on the gift, these may include:

  • Inscribing your honouree’s name and a message in a new in-memoriam book, which will be open and on display outside the Duke’s Hall at the Academy.
  • Engraving your honouree’s name or a brief message on a wall plate in the “In Memoriam” section of the Susie Sainsbury Theatre, or name a seat after them in the Theatre’s stalls or dress circle.

Other options are available. Please contact Helen Lofthouse at or on 020 7873 7459 to discuss how best to honour your loved one at the Academy.